Plan Ogden
Plan Ogden
Plan Ogden is a visionary policy document shaped by input from the community. It addresses various aspects of Ogden’s future, such as growth and economic development, organizing how land is used and developed, planning for important infrastructure and facilities, creating green spaces, and working with surrounding areas. The new Plan aims to make sure the policies and programs can handle the changes that come with growth, all while supporting the City's goals.
Plan Ogden Celebration
Celebrate the Unveiling of the Plan Ogden!
The last 6 months have been working up to a final community vision which will help guide the direction of the planning process and the final plan itself. This event will be a showcase of Plan Ogden, a chance to give input on things that still need to be tweaked, and a look ahead to the next phase of the project. Join us for free food and drinks!
5:30 PM: Sign In and Registration
5:45 PM: Mayor's Welcome and Remarks
5:55 PM: Presentation and Polling
6:20 PM: Poster Session
7:30 PM: Adjourn
24th Street Workshop #2
Join us for the 24th Street Workshop!
RSVP not required.
Join us for a 2nd workshop to refine the vision for the UDOT I-15/24th Street Interchange Redesign. This event will include a brief presentation and open house for folks to share input on gateway concepts and future land uses for this area.
Welcome to the Ogden General Plan website! Over the next two years, this website will serve as the home base for online participation, important information, and project updates. Our tools and pages will be updated as we move through this process, so check in often, register your email for updates, and share this site with your community!
Get Involved
The first phase of this process is all about thinking big! We want to know what you love about Ogden. What needs improvement? What do you want for the future? Over the next couple months, we will ask for your input here on this website. Check in often to see new polls, maps, surveys, and more! You’ll also find some fun ways to get involved in person.
How can you get involved?
What do you love about Ogden? What needs work? What do you wish to see in the future? Share your ideas, thoughts, input, and desires via the interactive tools included on this website.
Enter your email below to receive information about project events, ways to share, and project progress.
Read up on important information about Ogden so you can make informed decisions! This page will host links to existing plans, studies, and other important info as the project progresses.
Visit this page to start sharing! The tools on this page will change throughout the process so check in often to see how you can share your ideas for your community.
Some ideas and comments are better explained using a map. Visit the Idea Map page to identify places you love or would like to see improved.
Technology is great, but we also want to see and connect with you in person. Check out the Meetings and Events tab and mark your calendar to attend an upcoming event!
The Ogden Scenerios Online Workshop is now closed. You can see community responses by selecting the links below.
Vision Scenarios Online Workshop
Missed the October event? We invite you to watch the presentation, review the scenario posters, and complete the questionnaire.Thank you!
Taller en Línea de Escenarios de Visión
No description yet. Click "Participar" to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Plan Ogden is a joint planning effort between the City and the community.
A General Plan is the primary planning document for the community. It will serve as a long-term strategic plan with a guiding vision built by the community and strategies to support that vision. Once adopted, the Ogden General Plan will shape decisions related to new development, redevelopment, and City programs and services; focusing on enhancing the City’s values and high quality of life.
The plan will identify unique community characteristics and locations for future housing, parks, trails, community facilities, and more.
The plan will include land use recommendations and development policies.
The plan will give guidance on budget, timing for capital improvements, and review of development proposals.
The plan will provide direction on the topics of development, policies, programs, and services provided by the City.
Ogden has experienced many changes since the adoption of its last plan. Given these changes, it is time to update the existing General Plan to reevaluate the attributes and characteristics of the City that residents, businesses, and visitors value most.